How Much Is a Membership? Memberships are sold in a punch card format. A 1-Day Pass is $25, a 6-Day Pass is $90, and a 12-day pass is $144. You can buy an unlimited monthly pass that is automatically withdrawn from your account for $250.
When Can I Access the Studios? Members can access MOB Studios and Workshops when the MOB is open, typically 10am to 5pm, Tuesday through Saturday. Members cannot access studios while classes are in session.
What is provided? Space and equipment! The following will be provided in each space: Wood Shop (benches, vices, hand tools), Ceramic Studio (wheels, tables, tools, studio glazes, firings), and Silversmithing Studio (tools, torch, pickle). Generally, consumable materials are not included. Participants are required to source their own clay, silver, wood, and finishing supplies. The MOB will sell more supplies as we get going!
Can I make work to sell? Yes! There are a few limitations. Production ceramicists may not use studio glazes, but we welcome artists making work to sell! Interested in selling at the MOB? Submit below!
Can I reserve space? No, the MOB Studios are first come, first serve. The occupancy limits are as follows: Wood Shop (8), Ceramics Studio (6), Silversmithing Studio (6).
Can I rent out the entire studio? Yes, you can! Rates are hourly and can be scheduled outside of MOB's hours. Studio Rental does not include any consumables. Contact us to schedule a studio rental!